Who are the Greeters?
- We are not professional tourist-guides.
- The Greeter idea was born in New York: People welcome international and national guests and individually show them the best places in their city. That is what we Greeter call a Greet.
- Therefore, visitors can expect personal stories rather than detailed historical facts.
- There are no standard routes or rules. Everyone offers his walks individually with dedication and great enthusiasm.
- On average, a greet lasts about two to three hours.
- We meet single travellers, friends on tour, couples and families. We do not take groups larger than six people. We either walk or use public transport.
Become a Greeter
Would you like to become active in an existing Greeter-group? On the web-sites of the Greeter groups you can find the appropriate contact form.
Or would you like to start a new Greeter group in your town? In that case please submit our form. We will support and advise you in your preparations.